Thursday 21 September 2017

wanirani's potluck birthday party :)

I love September. It is my birthday month!

As I get older, I love birthday party even more.

Last year I had a surprise picnic birthday party that I wanted badly.

This year, I decided to host my own birthday party. Since it is my #lastbirthdayassingle, I want to have a lot of fun with my girlfriends.

So I rented this place called Sembilan.Eleanor. It is a airbnb but I saw on instagram, people hosted a wedding there and some other events as well.

I invited the girls from work. We each had to bring a dish or be in-charged of something. Hence the name potluck birthday party.

Here are some photos of Sembilan.Eleanor. I love the place. It was nicely decorated, large enough to cater all of us and most importantly clean. The owner of the place is a pleasant person and easy to deal with. He even gave me tips on what and where to eat in Ipoh, not knowing that I am living in Ipoh myself. 

Hidayah was in charged of the decorations. She did an excellent job. She got balloons and banner. We even got to wear party hats. 

For months I have been telling everyone that I want the now-trending pandan gula melaka cake. Yammini got me the cake! Love it! It tasted so good. She ordered the cake from her guy friend who is also a doctor. We were all surprised by his talent in baking. He not only can bake, he does pretty cake decorations as well, you know, like the ones we always see on Instagram. 

Eza brought us bihun goreng.
Aisyah brought teh tarik.
Karo brought the sought-after pasta salad.
Wubany brought KFC. 
Kak Zee brought cheesekut.
Knisa baked her famous brownies and brought them over. 
Jove brought some snacks.
Thiru brought some healthy juice and water. 
Tan HJ brought ice creams. 

Everyone was such a sport. Love you all so much. 

I had a good time. I hope everyone else did too.

Thank you Yammini, Tan HJ, Hidayah, Thiru, Knisa, Kak Zee, Eza, Aisyah, Wubany, Jove, Karo and Maya for spending the evening with me. You all made me very happy :)