Friday, 22 February 2019

Little L

I am pregnant! Alhamdulillah.

Now I am at 26 weeks. I am due on 01.06.2019.

I found out I am pregnant back when I was still in Ipoh, a month before my transfer to Semporna. It was an accidental finding.

I was being referred to a gynae for a cyst in my abdomen, detected by my friend, Irma when I went for scan (for fun) at her new clinic. The concern that time was if the cyst is malignant. Alhamdulillah, it is not. It is just an endometrioma.

During the gynae scan, apart from the endometrioma, they also saw, not only one but two gestational sacs. One was in the uterus and the other one was an ectopic. The proper term for it is heterotopic pregnancy. This condition is very rare in a spontaneous conception. Usually occurs in IVF.

When I found out I have heterotopic pregnancy, I entered a state of emotional confusion. I wanted to be happy for being pregnant but I was so scared of the complication of ectopic pregnancy. I was an anesthesiology MO back then, so I saw a lot of cases where the ectopic ruptures and bleed. The fact that I was alone in Ipoh as Azhar was in Sabah and family is in Pahang didn't make things any easier.

For 1 month after the diagnosis (and prior to my transfer to Semporna), I went for weekly TVS scan. Alhamdulillah (again) the ectopic began to shrink until it reached 0.6 cm.

I have not shared much on my pregnancy. In the first trimester, I was still scared that something might go wrong and I will lost the baby. Now I am in my second trimester, going to enter the third trimester soon and I feel ready to share with the world.

Meet my unborn (yet) child.
This was Little L when he/she was just 6 weeks old
My first trimester was not so bad. I could still eat, a lot. I vomited each time I enter a toilet though, no matter how clean the toilet is. I had terrible headache and became so exhausted in the evening. Apart from that, I had nothing to complaint. Lucky me!

This is the latest scan of Little L. See how much he/she has grown :)
Mummy loves you baby. 

I began to feel quickening at 24 weeks. At first it felt like there was a snake moving inside my tummy. I was not sure what sensation it was. After a week, it started to feel more obvious. The movement was bigger and stronger as the baby grows more each day. Sometimes Little L hit my bladder and I have the sudden urge to pee. Sometimes Little L makes repetitive movement. I like to think that Little L is actually trying to tell me something, like "Mummy I'm hungry, go eat now". LOL. Azhar tries to feel the movement but so far, he has no luck.

It is a privilege to be the only person who gets to feel the baby's movement inside the uterus. This is a gift God has given to all mothers.

I hope the rest of the pregnancy will go on smoothly. I pray for easy and uncomplicated delivery as well. And Little L is born healthy. 

I need Little L to come out exactly on the EDD, 01.06.2019. 

To all of you reading this, please say a little prayer for me.

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