Friday, 24 November 2017

Best friend (read Hidayah) got married (part 1)

This is a late post. But I feel like writing about this today.

When Hidayah said she is going to get married, I had mixed feeling. Thiru and I felt like it was too fast. She barely knew the guy and yet she decided to live the rest of her life with him. Then came that feeling "oh shit now I have to share my best friend with a guy". But anyhow, she did marry him last week and I had been the bestest of friend (I think, haha) that one could ever asked for. I threw her a bridal shower and was there for the henna night, solemnization and reception. I was with Thiru all the while, we were inseparable.

We had a Kate Spade inspired bridal shower on 3rd Nov 2017. I had so much fun planning for the event. Pinterest was my best buddy. Every idea, every DIY stuff that I did was from Pinterest. I am so glad to have a bunch of good friends here in Ipoh who are so sporting that they go along with my idea every time I planned something. The bridal shower was a success.

We rented a house for 1 night, it was called Little Blue House somewhere in Ipoh near Station 18. We ate a lot, played bridal shower games, took thousands of photos and at night we watched a horror movie. I wanted to watch a chick flick or a romantic comedy but nobody had a soft copy of such movie. Wubany our movie supplier only watches horror movie apparently. Need to soften her a bit. So next time we can watch The Notebook or Music&Lyrics. (I love you Wubany! haha)

The lovely cake was made by Haslinda's friend. So pretty, I love it!

Next in line to get hitched

Kisses for the soon-to-be-bride (at that time)

Most photos were taken using HJ's new phone, Samsung Note 8. That phone really takes good photos. From my amateur point of view, the photos were just as good as using a real camera. I'll show you an example. 

This one :

I think I like the photos from Samsung Note 8 so much because it made me look flawless without having to actually put a filter on them. Which girl doesn't like a flawless photo right. Lol!

I'll blog about Hidayah's wedding next time. Till then, see you my blog. Oh and readers too :)